🛠 Jewelry Events 🛠

Are you interested in trying a hands-on creative event where you and your friends can make and take home your very own handmade jewelry? Stay tuned for new workshop events hosted by Claire to provide a space for you and others to craft jewelry! Materials are all provided, and space is limited (between 10-35 Max) so stay up to date on the @juno.claire Instagram and this website page to sign up for future events.

Link to sign up for next workshop --> (stay tuned for the next workshop event with St A RAG week, St AYogi Society, and EmpowHer Galentines!)

If you are a society, or an individual/group interested in wanting to host a Jewelry Workshop for an event (society events, fundraisers, friendly gatherings, etc) please fill in THIS FORM (https://forms.gle/56cD8E2fmfXpB9gr8)! Feel free to reach out to Claire via Instagram (@juno.claire) <-- Fastest responses), email (junobyclaire@gmail.com), or the 'Contact Us' page on this site expressing what you'd be interested in doing.

Past Events / Collaborators with Juno Claire :)

Check out Instagram highlights to see how these past events went!

St Andrews Workshops:

UStA Disabled Student Network (DSN)

UStA Black, Asian, Minority, & Ethnic Student Network (BAME)

UStA Afro Caribbean Society (ACS)

UStA Movember Society

UStA Student Nightline


UStA Women in Business Society


St Andrews Events, Photoshoots, & Markets:

UStA Sustainable Style Charity Gala

UStA Dont Wear Fashion

FUSE Creative Collective

UStA Women in Business Society

UStA Sitara Fashion

St Andrews Jewelry Collections:

UStA Turkish and Syrian Society

UStA EmpowHer Society

UStA Oikos Chapter

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