Want to collab with JUNO•CLAIRE?

Hello! Thanks for your interest in collaborating with Juno•Claire for a jewelry workshop, market sale, or a jewelry collection

**I typically ask you fill THIS FORM out or at least message @juno.claire on instagram within 3 weeks - 1 month prior to your desired event date so materials and preparation is ready in time!**

For more info on what each collaboration entails read on :D

Jewelry Collaboration 🤝

*including Fashion Shows*: (charity fundraisers, societies, & other groups)

  • A collection uniquely made for your group made to be sold for your group, used for an event, and/or sold in person/online for an event/fundraiser for your group
  • Cost split: 60% J•C 40% your group (for charities | tend to share 100% of the profits :)
  • The collection can be sold at an event your group may be hosting and on the Juno Claire online store for an agreed upon time frame (Ex: Holiday collab the whole 1 whole month of agreed upon funds go toward your group).
  • You are more than welcome to send infographics, and descriptions of your group/society, and what the collaboration means as I can put it on my site; a great space to publicize your group to a wider audience as well as give customers a better understanding of the collection! (ex: Nightline Collab page)

- Jewelry Piece Pricing for Collabs (can vary depending on the design) --

Earrings: £12

Necklaces: £14

Rings: £6


*if you're group is a fashion show looking for pieces to be made for your show, event, or photo shoot (borrowed pieces/can be purchased), this is included in this category*

Jewelry Workshop 🛠️

lead by Claire Henry: (Any individuals, groups, societies etc) + (£20 working/prep fee)

These are 1-1.5 hour long workshops prepped and lead for small-large groups of individuals for your group/event (10-35 people total) Ticket pricing can be discussed but my most successful workshops were priced around £5 If I have enough inventory by the time the event is hosted I typically like to sell my regular pieces on the side for people to purchases or try on if they would like to at the workshop :)

- What is provided By J•C --

  • Slideshow explaining step by step how to make each jewelry piece (linked in @juno.claire irtstagram bio during event for easy access for participants to view on their devices at the location)
  • Individual material bags prepared with all the necessary materials for each design (beads wires, earring hooks, etc) in a small bag for each participant to use during the workshop and take home
  • Claire present at the workshop leading the jewelry making and helping participants if they need it
  • List tickets on FIXR for easy ticket sale management for the event (profits split once event is completed)

- What is asked your group provides -

  • Reimbursement of materials needed for workshop (range between £30-£60 (depends on what materials are needed for instance the £50-60 range is if i have to buy bead materials and more pliers or more materials but as of now I have enough to fulfill about 30-35 people but typically beads, wire, etc for larger groups are around £30-£40).
  • At least one member or two from your society or group at the event to help the workshop go smoothly (scan tickets, help manage participants, and even participate to your liking :)
  • Help promote the Workshop prior to event (instagram infographics shared on socials etc)

  • If your a student union affiliated society the best location for workshops is beacon bar. Even though I am a student, I am not union affiliated and can't book this location so I kindly ask if you group can reserve a 2hour space that would be lovely as its perfect for large workshop events and is at a great central location. I also recommend union committee rooms (holds smaller numbers though)
  • If you are not a student union affiliate group I have had workshops held a pubs which work quite nicely but can only host small-medium sized groups depending on location. I also recommendp the public library in church square! (We can discuss further of a location if need be!)

Market Sale 🛍️

I really appreciate if you have any opportunities for me to sell my jewelry in person as thats where customers are able to see, feel, and try on the jewelry I make and its a more personable experience for all.

So if you have a market your group/society would like for Juno•Claire to sell at feel free to fill the form out with more information :)

Fill out THIS FORM!

You can also (in addition to filling the form out) contact Claire through:

Instagram (fastest responses): @juno.claire

Email: junobyclaire@gmail.com

Feel free to explain what type of collaboration you are looking forward to doing (your own collection, fundraiser, pop-up shop, workshop etc).

Past Events / Collaborators with Juno Claire :)

Check out Instagram highlights to see how these past events went!

St Andrews Workshops:

UStA Disabled Student Network (DSN)

UStA Black, Asian, Minority, & Ethnic Student Network (BAME)

UStA Afro Caribbean Society (ACS)

UStA Movember Society

UStA Student Nightline


UStA Women in Business Society


St Andrews Events, Photoshoots, & Markets:

UStA Sustainable Style Charity Gala

UStA Dont Wear Fashion

FUSE Creative Collective

UStA Women in Business Society

UStA Sitara Fashion

St Andrews Jewelry Collections:

UStA Turkish and Syrian Society

UStA EmpowHer Society

UStA Oikos Chapter

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